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Why I'll (Probably) Never Post Another a Blog Here

Writer's picture: Tara BradwayTara Bradway

Let's face it. I've tried to blog before. Tried and failed. More than once in fact.

Now, I'm just going to embrace the fact that I'm not going to try to keep up with a blog here. #SorryNotSorry

Just so you can understand where I'm coming from, here are my top 5 reasons that I'll (probably) never post another blog here.

1. I feel like I have nothing important to say.

I've been working on this in therapy for at least the past two years now. But when it comes right down to it, blogging is a platform. And I'm not sure that I have anything to contribute about being an author or how to do it "the right way."

There's not one right way. And I'm still trying to figure out what works for me.

2. I don't have the space for it.

Mental, physical, metaphysical, whatever.

My schedule feels too darn full already. If you'd like to hear from me on a regular basis about what I'm getting up to, then I'd like to recommend:

You'll find more regular posts there, especially about my latest foster dogs and their adventures.

I'm currently planning to send out a newsletter about once a month or every 6 weeks (ya know, like when a tree falls on my house and I have to completely revamp my website and I just need an extra two weeks).

So, scroll on down to the bottom of my home page and add your email. You'll get personal, dog, and writing-related updates there--and quite possibly even the occasional giveaway when I'm trying to thin out my bookshelf of ARCs.

3. I'm no good at regular, self-imposed deadlines.

See #2.

When a tree falls on my house (true story) or some other (albeit smaller and more manageable) crisis occurs, I will put aside something that feels less urgent. Posting a new blog here is almost always going to be less of an emergency than a doggo needing to go out, a supper needing to be cooked, or a book needing to be read.

4. I can't even think of something for this.

Case in point.

Number 4 is less urgent than getting to number 5 and finishing this blog so I can go chop vegetables and take Cosmo out.

5. I may or may not lose interest.

Classic Gemini here.

This is likely (in combination with other aforementioned factors) why my other blogs withered and died. The grad school Shakespeare blog. The cooking blog. Was there another one I can't even remember?

I don't want to overpromise and underdeliver. You deserve better. Instead, I'm going to focus my efforts on finishing the next WIP--something I've been interested in for years. And I think and hope you will be too!

I will, however, reserve the right to share announcements or updates or brain farts here ... ya know, just in case something comes up.

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